

Inclusivity and diversity driving innovation in the ITEA Community - Insights from the VMAP Project
July, 2024

ITEA interviewed Fraunhofer SCAI colleagues about inclusivity and diversity within ITEA community. Read the article here...

VMAP Standard at NAFEMS DACH Conference 2024
June 10-12, 2024

The NAFEMS DACH Conference 2024 was held from 10-12 June 2024 in the Bavarian city Bamberg. VMAP SC hosted the VMAP Workshop to talk about the standard and show the latest developments. Read more here...

VMAP Analytics Final Review
April 09, 2024

The final review of the VMAP Analytics was held on the 09.04.2024 in an online/hybrid format. The reviewers were pleased with the many results achieved by the project. Additionally, they appreciated the efforts of the VMAP SC in continuing the work of standardization after the end of VMAP Project in 2020. Read more here...


NAFEMS Online Magazine reported about the 1st VMAP User Meeting 2024
March 15, 2024

The 69th edition of the NAFEMS  online magazine reported on the success of the VMAP User Meeting -  "1. VMAP-Anwendertreffen 2024
- eine Erfolgsgeschichte"

VMAP Standard at Simuplse Day
March 14, 2024

The Automotive Solution Center for Simulation e.V. ( is a non-profit association for know-how carriers in the field of automotive simulation. The asc(s provides its members with the possibility to advance new simulation methods for the virtual vehicle development fast and efficiently – particularly if these place high demands on the computing power, data volume and data analytics.
simpulsedays are an integral part of the asc(s culture. They are intended to present latest technologies, discuss new solutions for future challenges, to explore potentials and to agree on cooperations. On March 14, 2024 asc(s organised a simpulseday on "Computational Mechanics for Progressive Vehicle Bodies", where Klaus Wolf (VMAP SC) presented the recent concepts and developments on "The VMAP Data Standard for Simulation and Measurement".  In a subsequent discussion round, the workshop participants then had the opportunity to discuss specific issues relating to VMAP in detail and record them in short statements.

VMAP Standard Discussions at Simpulse Day


VMAP SC Assembly Meeting
December 5, 2023

The VMAP SC Assembly meeting was held on the 5 December 2023 with most of the founding members. The major topics under discussion were sensor data storage & full model storage in VMAP, post processing of VMAP results in Paraview and announcement about the 1st VMAP User Meeting to be held from 14-15 February 2024.
A first draft on the sensor data specifications has already been made available to all the partners for evaluation. This should be made public during the first quarter of 2024.

VMAP Stand at NAFEMS Multiphysics & Multibody Dynamics Conference 2023 in Munich, Germany                                            November 14-16, 2023

Organized by NAFEMS

Futher development of the standard to support the data from real measurements and machine monitoring will be presented. With these enhancements, data from the virtual design can be compared directly with data from physical measurements and product runs.

VMAP Workshop at NAFEMS World Congress 2023 in Tampa, Florida
May 14-18, 2023

Organised by NAFEMS

VMAP SC has organised a workshop on the upcoming NAFEMS World Congress. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the needs and possibilities of such extensions together with user experts from different industry sectors and developers from software companies.

A short introductory lecture on the VMAP standard as well as short presentations on each of the extensions discussed will serve as a stimulus for an open technical discussion among all participants involved. The workshop will be open for any interested party and engineer.

VMAP Working Group ‚Sensor Data’ established
January 31, 2023

In January 2023 the VMAP assembly decided to establish a new technical working group ‘Sensor Data’. In many cases, data from real measurements or monitor data from real production runs are used to verify and validate simulation models. This 'real' sensor data is usually stored in application-specific formats, which makes it difficult for simulation experts to use it easily and efficiently. The aim of this working group is therefore to investigate the possibilities of re-storing such measurement data in an extended VMAP format, to design corresponding extensions to the specification and to demonstrate prototype applications.

VMAP Standards Community – official Foundation Meeting
December 20, 2022

In December 2022 sixteen founding members – partially coming from the initial ITEA project – established the VMAP Standards Community. VMAP SC will be open to all, who intend to contribute to the VMAP Standard and its extension, thereof.

The Association bears the name „VMAP Standards Community e.V.“, abbreviated as “VMAP SC”. The Association will be entered into the official register of Associations. The registered office of the Association shall be in Sankt Augustin, Germany.

VMAP Workshop at NAFEMS DACH 2022
Date/Time: 5 October 2022 at 11:15 CET
Location: Room E – 4-E

Organised by NAFEMS

The VMAP Standard for Vendor-Neutral CAE Data Storage – Workshop on Technical Extensions and Industrial Use Cases

  • Introducion

       K. Wolf, P. Gulati (Fraunhofer SCAI)

  • First Proposal to Handle Sensor Data in VMAP

       VMAP Standards Community

  • Full Model Storage in VMAP

       VMAP Standards Community

  • VMAP-Analytics – A Smart Manufacturing Platform

       S. Palla, K. Ekström, J. Lindwall, P. Darth,
       C. Luo, S. Marth, T. Schwartz (Swerim AB)

  • Open Discussion

VMAP Standards Community Webinar
Date/Time: 27 April 2022 at 17:00 CET

Organised by NAFEMS

This webinar aims to inform the sector of the progress achieved over the last 12 months.

The agenda is

  • Introduction & Welcome [NAFEMS, 5 min]
  • VMAP SC: Legal association timeline and organisation

       [Fraunhofer SCAI, 5 min]

  • VMAP Standard: Technical Overview and Updates

       [Fraunhofer SCAI, 10 min]

  • VMAP Standard: Technical Working Groups [Robert Bosch, 10 min]
  • Associated Projects [Fraunhofer SCAI, 20 min]

        VMAP Analytics [SWERIM] – VMAP analytics drives industrial manufacturing using Smart digital twins.
        LeBeDigital [BAM] – Life cycle of concrete: ontology development for the concrete production process chain.
        German Aerospace Center [DLR] – Integrating the VMAP Standard in their in-house solver.

  • Q&A [NAFEMS, 10 min]

Webinar Video

VMAP Project awarded ITEA Award of Excellence for Standardization

EUREKA’s R&D&I cluster, ITEA, honoured the VMAP project for outstanding results in the field of standardization with the "ITEA Award of Excellence for Standardization". The international project has succeeded in developing a vendor-neutral standard for the storage and transfer of data in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The VMAP standard improves interoperability in virtual engineering workflows and is already being used by many companies.

The ability to carry forward result data from one simulation step to another in a Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software workflow has always been dependent on customised data transfer solutions, which requires a huge effort in terms of time and money.

The VMAP Project only represents the tip of the ice-berg. The VMAP SC intends to take this forward by advancing the standard in other multiphysics domains.

The VMAP Project team was recognized by ITEA for its tremendous effort & dedication.

Klaus Wolf, Priyanka Gulati (Fraunhofer SCAI, Germany)
Klaus Wolf, Priyanka Gulati (Fraunhofer SCAI, Germany)
Jens Siegersma (Philips, Netherlands)
Jens Siegersma (Philips, Netherlands)
Anthony Floyd (Convergent, Canada)
Anthony Floyd (Convergent, Canada)
Giannoula Mitrou (inuTech, Germany)
Giannoula Mitrou (inuTech, Germany)

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